
Peptides are amino acids (protein) that are linked together in a chain to form a specific grouping. Palmitoyl pentapeptides, for example, are peptides that have a chain of 5 amino acids and hexapeptides to form a chain of 6 amino acids. Marine oligo peptides are a chain of a "few" natural-water amino acids.

All fixed-sequence peptides commercially available are patented. Manufacturers combine synthetic peptides with a fatty acid, which is essential to get the product into the deeper layers of skin.

Initially, the research on peptides was done in relation to wound healing. Published studies showed peptides to be instrumental in causing cells in the skin to produce more collagen as part of the body's natural response to help skin heal.


 Studies have proven that some peptides act as a natural regulatory mechanism in which the peptide acts as a signal; if the skin is damaged for any reason, structural proteins are destroyed and peptides (chains of amino acids resulting from the breakdown of the larger protein) are released.

The skin interprets these peptides as a signal to make more proteins. Peptides that send the signal that more proteins (collagen) are needed are in a category of peptides considered to be "wrinkle minimizers."

Hexapeptides, on the other hand, actually block neurotransmitters that cause muscles to contract and form wrinkles. These peptides are referred to as "wrinkle relaxers."


Peptides minimize existing wrinkles, reduce future wrinkle formation and create firming & tightening on the skin. Peptides are active at very small doses and are highly specific: they stimulate fibroblast, the building-block of collagen; they signal messages to synthesize more collagen; and they increase firmness overall, promoting a healthier skin.

RA Pro Youth -10 has a wide-range of cutting-edge peptide formulations to target your specific skin needs.